Well, the Church hasn't recognized him as such, at least not yet, but she takes another step toward doing so this Sunday, September 19 (later today), when Pope Benedict XVI beatifies him.
Before Cardinal Newman joined the Roman Catholic Church he was an Anglo-Catholic member of the Church of England, indeed a founder of the Anglo-Catholic Movement, and specifically of the Oxford Movement (more info can be found here, here and here).
As is befitting a movement named after, and founded in, a great university town, it was a very intellectual and write-full (if you will) movement, and Cardinal Newman was right at the forefront. His writings can be found all over the net and in the better libraries and bookstores. Search, download and read up.
The official website for the Pope's visit has a full section on Cardinal Newman including material about and from him. You can find it here:
The Cause for the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman website is even more chock-full of his writings and writings about him, and it can be found here:
Please add you favorite Newman links, quotes, writings, stories, etc.
The image above is of John Henry Newman and is taken from the official Papal visit website. Specifically it can be found here. I believe it is an image in the public domain and so I hope they don't mind me appropriating it.
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