Pope Paul VI to the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Michael Ramsey

"(B)y entering into our house, you are entering your own house, we are happy to open our door and heart to you." - Pope Paul VI to Dr Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Becoming One" conference in Kansas City, Missouri, from Feb. 25 to 26

A "Becoming One" conference will be held in Kansas City, Missouri, United States from Friday, February 25 to Saturday, February 26. More information can be found on The Anglo-Catholic blog here.

But this is not the first "Becoming One" conference. The first one was held earlier this year in San Antonio (and again The Anglo-Catholic covered it) and that conference built on several previous gatherings.

Last year when the Vatican announced its intention to create Anglican Ordinariates in several different countries, many within Anglo-Catholicism recognized a need to bring together those who are interested or at least curious to meet and discuss the way forward. Afterall, Anglicanism is split across many different institutions. There are Catholic-leaning Anglicans within the Anglican Communion, within Continuing Anglican Cchurches, and within the Roman Catholic Church. There are also Anglo-Catholics within various Orthodox churches.

Many of the clergy and laymen from whatever denomination have known each other and worked together for years, but many have not. If ordinariates were going to be built successfully, they would need to work together closely. The loose network of various
Anglo-Catholic institutions and individuals would have be tightened and strengthened. Therefore, a variety of gatherings have been held since the Vatican announcement, some previously scheduled such as the 2010 Annual Conference of the Anglican Use Society, many especially set up to discuss the Ordinariate. Out of these have come the "Becoming One" conferences.

Expect to see more "Becoming One" or similar conferences held throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, and possibly elsewhere over the coming months. If you are interested in Anglican Use and joining the Anglican Ordinariates, or just curious, and there is such a conference in your area, attend. (The Anglo-Catholic is a good source for news.) The optimism and joy of such conferences will uplift you.

Images are from the San Antonio "Becoming One" conference and are taken from Fr. Christopher Phillips's post on The Anglo Catholic entitled Some Pictures From "Becoming One" Gathering

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